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In addition, several TV stations on Oahu show hour-long, condensed versions of the services weekly.
After a 12-minute bass intro, Coltrane's song "Crescent" is kicked off, with both saxophones taking ferocious solos during the almost hour-long version.
Hope appeared again on the program for an hour-long version on June 14, 1951.
In 1950 an hour-long animated version was made by Baptista Films.
The hour-long aired version (part of a much longer show) has popped up on file-sharing sites.
On 7th December 2012 an edited hour-long version was shown on BBC 4.
Kelton appeared in the original sketches, generally running about 10 to 20 minutes, shorter than the later one-season half-hour series and 1960s hour-long musical versions.
In 2007 the hour-long version was issued in a colourised edition.
He appeared eight times on the half-hour or hour-long versions of the Alfred Hitchcock program on CBS.
An hour-long cut-down version of the film was shown in the UK in December 2008 as part of the documentary series Imagine.