When she was 9 years old, she composed and delivered an hour-long speech in Latin to some of the most distinguished intellectuals of the day.
Sitting a few feet away from Mr. Khatami, rows of Muslim clerics and other influential figures responded impassively to his hour-long speech.
In a typical day he gave four hour-long speeches and shorter talks that added up to six hours of speaking.
In an hour-long speech to a party conference, the chain-smoking 92-year-old said Berlin risked isolation if it tried to impose its ideas on European partners.
On the following day, he defended his nine-year rule in an hour-long televised speech.
Here she would be able to command a national television audience for an hour-long speech to the gathering-the ideal way to reposition herself.
On Thursday, education was front and center in the mayor's address, dominating an hour-long speech that was defiant in tone and ambitious in content.
In his hour-long speech, he instead referred to himself over 200 times.
There was some pain relief for squeezed Middle England, but George Osborne's hour-long speech was nothing short of a statistical horror show.
Though Parmar was blocked at the border (he had been put under 24-hour watch), Bagri gave an hour-long speech at the convention.