One 200-strong theatre audience who found themselves trapped in the chaos on Tuesday were given an impromptu hour-long concert by Tom Jones.
Her hour-long concert here Tuesday night, as professionally performed and well-choreographed as it was, did nothing to give her more dimension than the two already bestowed on her.
A stargazing business, "Crystal Spheres", has been established and presents Music and Stars programs, with an hour-long concert followed by an hour of stargazing.
In March 2007, Moore played an hour-long concert, which was held at Turkey's Balo Stage on March 23.
The hour-long concert attracted thousands of viewers and became a huge local media story.
The hour-long concerts are held at 11am every Saturday during October, February and June, and occasionally at other times during the year.
The hour-long concert featured an orchestra and somewhat of a storyline about finding the true spirit of the holidays.
As part of the event, which took place near Tel Aviv, a Palestinian youth orchestra performed in an hour-long concert in honor of Holocaust survivors.
Besides the single, you get 105 bonus tracks, 1500 photos, 20 music videos, and an hour-long concert.
On August 12, 1989, The Rolling Stones played a surprise hour-long concert for 700 people at Toad's Place.