It's so thick that footprints take an hour to vanish.
It was at least 15 years ago, but it has stayed with me just as all my misspent hours in that dark, vanished bar have.
The preceding five hours had vanished as though they had never been, but this hour that he had sat on guard seemed like a year.
In a few hours at the most, the Master and his dreams of empire would have vanished into the past.
One by one, the lines that marked the hours vanished until only a single line was left.
The hours left seemed at once to crawl by, and vanish into thin air.
Nine or ten hours had vanished while Coleman Collins played tricks with him.
Every hour of the past two weeks vanished in one instant.
At midnight, a whole hour vanished in a flash, although surely it's only about a month since I set the clocks back for winter.
It's $10, it's attractive, and I just realized two hours had vanished.