Hotly fought was the battle and much was destroyed.
After a series of hotly fought battles, tonight's game was shadow boxing.
In a hotly fought contest, neither team could press home their advantage and with Trojans 1 goal down, they were awarded a penalty.
"This is going to be hotly fought by people who are gathering and packaging this information," Mr. Barton said.
The political scheming and hotly fought battles of the months in between made it a year that has never been forgotten - Mike Ibeji tells the tale.
At New Hope Church, fifteen miles farther along the hotly fought way, the gray ranks dug in for a determined stand.
In Washington State, which has three hotly fought House races and a competitive Senate battle, officials estimated that as many as half the votes would be cast by absentee ballot.
Senator Terry Sanford was upset by his Republican challenger, Launch Faircloth, a former Sanford ally, after a tight, hotly fought race.
This hotly fought contest will be held from Aug. 16 to 18 off the Oceanside Pier.
Throughout the Wars of Independence with England (1296-1356), Stirling was hotly fought over, changing hands frequently.