My hotline number is now in every jail cell between here and Pennsylvania.
People with substance abuse problems or their family members can find out about treatment at Apple by calling our 24-hour hotline number, 516-979-0922.
This national hotline number will let you talk to experts in poisoning.
Manufacturers will also have a hotline number to contact for more information.
To answer these questions, please call our hotline number between the hours of 8am and 5pm using a standard touch tone phone.
The festival concerts are all free, and the hotline number is 212-875-5108.
"We ask them to call the hotline number and then let the officers do their job."
But for those wanting to try that option the hotline number is 966-7500.
Subject: Are hotline numbers known sufficiently to the public?
They have received about 1,000 calls "in the last three days" to a special hotline number, a spokeswoman for the police said.