We can't expect to make much impression on our overlords with a hotdog stand.
The flatbed trailers were in place along with the first-aid tent, a sound system, and a hotdog stand.
We decided just to go down to a hotdog stand and get some hotdogs to eat.
Sparky, however, comes to an abrupt stop and causes Brick to lose control of the package which ignites on fire in a hotdog stand.
She was originally a waitress at a hotdog stand before the extinction of humanity.
We may as well have breakfast at the hotdog stand.
The men founded Teradyne in 1960, and set up shop in rented space above Joe and Nemo's hotdog stand in downtown Boston.
Bøfsandwiches are typically sold from hotdog stands, traditional fastfood establishments, and in later years some traditional Danish restaurants have also started serving gourmet versions.
Brochures, ads and other things from the hotdog stand are peppered throughout.
A successful entrepreneur himself, David started life in an Anglican boys' home and launched his business career at the age of 15 with a rented hotdog stand.