This year, the numbers were $15 million for an analyst in a hot sector and around $500,000 for junior research analysts.
Internet funds were the hottest new sector in the mutual fund industry at the beginning of 2000 but have fallen on bleak times.
Sector strategies can be very dangerous, particularly when people chase today's "hot" sector.
And watch out if you are chasing today's hot sector.
As a result, they say, investors are more likely to stick with their funds instead of hopping from one hot sector to another.
So it's important to take a long-term view, ensure you have a balanced portfolio and not to get carried away by the latest 'hot' sector.
In a market like this, they're one of the hottest sectors.
Manufacturers with growing export markets have been the hottest sector of the Texas economy recently.
He added, "I never tried to outsmart the market or get in on hot sectors."
Real estate is now one of Wall Street's hottest sectors.