The $15.95 meal will include a beverage, hot muffins and an entree.
Then the hot muffins smelled so delicious that I decided to take one anyway.
Craklyn closed the journal and dipped a hot muffin in the sweetened curd mixture.
And now, my dear fellow, what about tea, and lots of hot buttered muffins?
To compete, Korean Air said it would cut check-in times in half and would serve hot muffins to early-morning fliers.
Scram-bled eggs, yogurt, fresh sliced oranges sparkling in the sun, bacon and sausage, and hot muffins just out of the oven.
Before long the table was filled with plates of cheese omelets, sausage and hot peach-cinnamon muffins, made with sweet peaches at the peak of their season.
He buttered a hot muffin, then came over to sit on the edge of the bed to hand it to her.
It's hard lines, I daresay; but does he think I'm living on hot muffins?
Ian shrugged, broke open a hot muffin, and drizzled honey over the steaming insides.