The fire had been burning for days casting a pall of black smoke and hot cinders over the county.
Such innocent words to drop like hot cinders on Helva's unhealed grief.
The eruption began with a fissure spewing hot cinders to form the cone.
Oh quick, before it sends out red hot cinders!
The words landed like hot cinders on the back of Rebecca's neck.
Heat from the hot cinders crept around the soles of her sandals.
For a second or two there was no response from the wasps, then half a dozen came flying out like hot cinders.
Where the hot cinders finally fell, it was not to a quenching by clean sea water.
With no warning at all they fell on the crowd like hot cinders.
There were hot cinders in the smoke, too, and he pulled up his suit's hood to keep them out of his hair.