His voice spattered and scorched like hot acid.
There are hot acids that do it, but most people wouldn't want to use them.
Someone mentioned industrial electro-polishing (big hot acids plus electricity).
The latter is produced by dissolving bismuth in hot nitric acid.
I told him to leave me alone, but he went on sawing at me with red-hot saws, pouring hot acid into the wounds.
It is chemically stable at room temperature and is attacked by hot concentrated acids.
Pretreatment with hot acid is normally used to make the cellulose more accessible to enzymes that will digest it.
This hygroscopic material is formed by reacting antimony or its compounds with hot sulfuric acid.
That unaccustomed trickle again, like hot acid in her stomach.
The stings seared, like a sprinkle of hot acid, and she wondered how much she could endure.