He felt the hot aches of bullet wounds.
They already knew each other, had already made the inner adjustment to the hot ache of physical desire, and accepted the hunger.
The words covered the hot ache inside her, the sense of an object that didn't belong, ripping, invading.
Later once you warm up, the blood begins to flow again; this causes the pain known as the hot aches.
Warm and dry gloves can also be effective against hot aches.
I kissed her hair gently, wanting her, feeling the warmth inside me become the hot ache of need .
She could feel his gaze on her, causing a hot ache that burned clear through to her soul.
Memory which brought back the unfulfilled, hot ache.
Jack felt a hot ache in his right side.
The wounds he hadn't reached yet had a hot, dull ache very different from the ointment's tingle.