Together with Elizabeth they hosted salons or gatherings of Philadelphia's most influential statesmen, writers and musicians.
The festival has hosted 25 out-of-town film makers, musicians, and speakers, some from as far away as Israel and Finland.
The festival actively promotes local acts as well as hosting musicians from across the United Kingdom.
Concerts are scheduled year round, hosting local and mainstream musicians.
Yoreh and Cohen were dedicated to exposing emerging Israeli musical talents and occasionally hosted musicians in the studio.
The event has hosted top Nigerian musicians, Nollywood Actors, Politicians and international artists.
In the past it has hosted musicians like Suzanne Vega and authors like Dan Brown.
The Cathedral hosted musicians, singers, cameramen and crew filming for the faith and music programme.
The "Minds of nine" have hosted musicians at the Onyx Room, in Downtown.
As well as hosting local musicians, the centre occasionally stages gigs by leading international artists.