Generally, hosts got through anywhere from 7 to 13 questions in that time.
Then the radio talk show hosts get their turn.
Offer to treat them to dinner one evening, so the host or hostess gets a rest from the kitchen.
The hosts, meanwhile, can't get along either - the big four collectively awarded one another a grand total of just 12 points.
The host got slowly under way with its unnatural shambling movements.
The hosts still could not get their first win over the French, with France winning all three tests 37-3, 12-3 and 29-6.
Then the homeowners, the host, the designer, and the laborers get to work, usually explaining to the audience what they are doing.
In the meantime, a host of other cornerbacks is getting the coaching staff's attention.
It was a remarkable story to tell, and his hosts got a long, rich version of it.
And the hosts of pregame shows get far more face time than game announcers.