France was eliminated after losing its third consecutive game, while undefeated hosts Turkey advanced to the quarterfinals for the second straight World championship.
The regional hosts automatically advance championship round in Kansas City, Missouri, with the games played at the Sprint Center.
The host, on seeing a young man followed by a lackey with two extra horses, advanced respectfully to the door.
The hosts of Isengard were advancing in silence now.
The hosts advanced to play France, which finished fourth in group D. Despite its 1-4 record, China advanced to play Lithuania, who won group D with a 5-0 record.
Further back, hosts of kingmen advanced in little groups.
His host advanced to meet him.
In 1994, the host Americans advanced as a wild card, or No. 3 team.
The host advanced to its first major soccer final when it beat the Netherlands, 2-1, in the semifinals on Wednesday, but not before giving the crowd a late scare.
The hosts advanced to the second round as one of the best third-place teams.