Colorado Springs, $90 million of hospital revenue and refunding bonds.
Medicare now accounts for 40 percent of hospital revenues nationally.
Doctors practicing in those outposts would refer patients and increase hospital revenue.
Suddenly, as managed care cuts into hospital revenues, the money paid by Medicaid, the government insurance program for the poor, does not look so meager.
While that's good for the patient, and avoids hundreds of dollars a day in charges, it also cuts into hospital revenue.
Funding for the new patient care facility is being generated through existing hospital revenues and bond issues.
With the patients' rights movement, they were no longer allowed to work for profit, something which had previously generated the hospital revenue.
Federal officials note that the hospitals are still financially better off than they were before Medicare, which accounts for 40 percent of hospital revenues.
During the 1920s a large part of the hospital revenues was from repeat business.
Any solution would increase Federal Medicare costs, reduce hospital revenue or both.