"They could spread the disease by the clothing, the garbage, the bath water," said Josephine Bernard, a 65-year-old hospital dietician who is her block association's president.
She gained a degree in dietetics and attended medical school for two years and then began working as a hospital dietician, before starting her own private practice.
They listen to the instructions of the hospital dietician and think they grasp it.
It may fly in the face of the hospital dieticians' advice to their caterers to have patients comforting themselves with spicy chicken and creamy chocolate puddings, but I bet many a hospital bursar must thank the deity that is Marks and Spencer for just being there, taking a load of responsibility from hospital kitchens.
After an internship at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, she worked as a hospital dietician in Saskatoon and Ottawa.
Drug-mineral interactions: a new responsibility for the hospital dietician.