The hospital closings, particularly many in the late 1970's, provoked strong reactions, as one hospital after another closed, and others were forced to reduce services.
Some hospital closings in rural areas have sent patients on long trips to receive medical attention.
Of the 69 hospital closings, 54 percent were rural and 46 percent were urban.
Legislators had agreed to most of the major policy changes to the bill, including the hospital closings, seven weeks ago.
The idea of the hospital closing "is anathema to me," he said.
Policy makers should restrict hospital closings and take a new look at universal health care reform.
Painful hospital closings are by no means confined to the for-profit chains.
The effects of the hospital closings extend beyond the realm of health care.
The mayor said he believed the press was causing unnecessary alarm over the issue of how hospital closings would affect the poor.
In 1992, when the hospital closing was decided, the State Legislature established a study committee for disposing of the property.