Many languish in hospital chaplaincies where they feel they are not putting to use much of what they learned in seminary.
In addition, they serve in youth ministry, pastoral work and hospital chaplaincy.
Catholic women at Yale find positions in hospital chaplaincy, campus ministry or occasionally in diocesan offices.
She was a life trustee of Brick Presbyterian Church's hospital chaplaincy, as well as a director, trustee and past president of James Lenox House, a home for the elderly.
Britain and Ireland: Parishes, schools, retreats, hospital chaplaincy, counselling, migrants and refugees.
Anton Theophilus Boisen (29 October 1876 - 1 October 1965) was a leading figure in the hospital chaplaincy and clinical pastoral education movements.
Boisen's work, leadership and vision helped lay the foundation for hospital chaplaincy, and continues to be influential today.
He has also worked in pastoral ministry, evangelism, religion teaching, academic administration, and hospital chaplaincy.
He was one of eight members of a Joint Committee of the Churches who prepared a report on hospital chaplaincy.
The reorganisation of the hospital chaplaincy in the 1980s coincided with the need for a new organ for St. Margaret's, following the catastrophic fire.