But," and his voice had a note of warning in it, "I would not count on a too hospitable reception in the settlements there.
The hospitable reception which has been given to the Grand Duke is a proof that on our side we share the wishes of that Government.
Unexpectedly the show proved to be a TRP churner and generated a hospitable reception from the audience.
Never had visitors a more hospitable reception.
He was given a hospitable reception by Sultan Mpala at Lubanda (Mpala).
After the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre (1572), he used his influence to give to the refugees a hospitable reception at Geneva.
They hear that the Indians believe easily, and that they have a natural trust in miracles and give them a hospitable reception.
And Tiraboschi supposes him to have been the same Gherardo with whom the Provencal poets were used to meet with hospitable reception.
The pall of the burial ceremony still hung over many of the crew, but despite this they were waiting anxiously, and hoping for a much more hospitable reception this time.
I had gotten a more hospitable reception from Anwar Malik, Suhail's father.