Three years ago, when my brother-in-law died, a hospice worker sat with our family during that difficult death watch.
They are currently living with their parents, with the assistance of hospice workers.
He is married to Peggy Jackson, a hospice social worker, and has two children.
My hospice workers and doctor talked to me about what to expect as my death gets closer.
Laurel is visited at home by a hospice worker.
Meanwhile, she has not given up her day job, as a hospice worker.
The hospice social worker called and said she was coming out to give us support and sympathy.
That is not so much a criticism as a recognition that the hospice workers are merely human.
But many hospice workers seem free of ideology.
She had cheated on her last husband, Frank Landry, with one of the hospice workers who'd been caring for him in the final days.