What a hospice volunteer does depends on his or her skills and interests.
Executive Director, Vanessa, has been a hospice volunteer since 1995 and has been honored to journey with families facing end of life.
After recovering, he became a hospice volunteer and has been with 40 people when they died, trying to lend his unusual perspective.
Our responsibility," said Randolph Matthieu, 53, a hospice volunteer, "is so that he doesn't die there by himself.
Since then, 18 prisons have established hospices and others are working with hospice volunteers from the outside community.
And every year, roughly 400,000 hospice volunteers help many of these people through their last few months of life.
I am a longtime hospice volunteer; every case has its small rewards, such as knowing that you have affected, for the better, the end of someone's life.
Her mother is a hospice volunteer at St. Mary's Hospital in Tucson.
Additionally, Jones appeared on an episode of Wilfred as Lisa, a hospice volunteer.
Death was welcomed in some cases, by patients and hospice volunteers, if it meant an end to suffering.