On-going and continuing research at the garden concerning taxonomy and horticultural use has increased the knowledge about this plant group world wide.
Some other species, also mostly Geraniaceae, have horticultural or medicinal uses.
They are in widespread use as ornamental plants in horticultural use.
A number of cultivars have been selected for horticultural use, including the following:
Production of growing media, including compost, for agricultural and horticultural use.
In horticultural use, the term succulent regularly excludes cacti.
Coir does provide a suitable substrate for horticultural use as a soilless potting media.
It has value in agricultural and horticultural use and has a range of medicinal properties.
Views of botanical gardens began to change as they became sources for new material of potential horticultural use rather than only public spaces.
A number of geranium species are cultivated for horticultural use and for pharmaceutical products.