Marketing Exports has already landed contracts with a number of local companies in the horticultural sector.
Then last but not least, a growing sector, heavily supported by the local government is the horticultural sector.
Furthermore, as already mentioned, there's support for the development and improvement of green food, the horticultural sector and the biochemical industry.
Particular sectors that demonstrate labour shortages are often the fruits, vegetables and horticultural sectors.
Naktuinbouw offers various training courses and workshops specifically focussed on activities in the horticultural sector.
Many of these horticultural sectors have faced a challenging period in recent years due to the drought.
In 2010, the final production value of the Flemish agricultural and horticultural sectors' sales activity was estimated at 5.1 billion euro.
Alongside the agricultural and horticultural sectors, an important role is also played by agricultural subcontracting, the food industry and trade.
Madam President, it seems from the European Commission's figures that there is considerable overproduction of apples, pears, nectarines and peaches in the horticultural sector.
Within a year, almost all find jobs in the horticultural sector.