He said one of the aims was to encourage the horticultural industry to fund much of the research from its own resources.
A trade gallon is the size of standard plant containers in horticultural industries.
Individuals and groups in the horticultural industry who have fallen on hard times should consider applying to Perennial.
It is also practiced in various horticultural industries such as citrus, stone fruit and tomatoes.
He serves as a missionary to the horticultural industry, constantly traveling, speaking and promoting the introduction of new plants to the trade.
Years later, he was recognized as a foremost expert on California's budding horticultural industry.
Horticulture is a term that evokes images of plants, gardening, and people working in the horticultural industries.
Internationally, cannas are one of the most popular garden plants and a large horticultural industry depends on the plant.
The horticultural industry, in which the species is very important, mostly uses the name Lawson Cypress.
A number of other agricultural and horticultural industries are now also represented in the district.