Instead of horse-drawn trolleys and Victorian vehicles, plans originally featured trams to fit with the 1920s theme, but were scrapped.
Around that time horse-drawn trolleys replaced these coaches, which were then replaced with electrical street cars.
He died in 1891, shortly after being run over by a horse-drawn trolley in New York.
The first trolley, initially horse-drawn, was opened in 1885; electrification of the trams started in 1902.
A street railway was installed in 1884, originally consisting of 69 horse-drawn trolleys that were later converted to electricity.
The transport was a horse-drawn trolley, the same kind as the one used on the tracks in the Storvägsområdet.
Paintings of vintage Waterbury scenes, including horse-drawn trolleys and carousels, hang on the first floor.
A horse-drawn trolley was added in 1859.
After the horse-drawn trolleys, then came the cable traction cars, and then finally the electric trolley.
A horse-drawn trolley linking Naha and Itoman also began operations.