The woman had a penchant for horse thievery.
Like many organizations whose purpose for being established no longer exists, horse thievery is no longer a problem in Adams County.
The society was created to stop horse thievery, since horses were essential to transportation and farming in the 19th century.
While horse thievery is no longer a problem, the society still operates.
"You said you had an excuse for your horse thievery?"
At the time, he had found that episode almost more embarrassing than being put on trial for horse thievery.
Next week: Amram employs his skills at horse thievery.
Constant harassment was given the white settlers with occasional murder and horse thievery being committed by the Indians, but no large battles with the whites.
The two men supposedly became involved in the risky, but profitable, enterprise of horse thievery.
"Keep in mind, horse thievery was a hanging offense out there," he said.