The horse munched eagerly, and looked for more.
The horse was munching a thick clump of grass, seemingly unconcerned about the huddled group of ragged men nearby.
Fortunately, animals worked better when fed, and there was an area inside the courtyard where the horses and mules could munch on hay.
The horses munched methodically at a pile of ancient hay stacked in one corner of the courtyard.
They drank in the rich air and let their horses munch random mouthfuls of leaves.
The horse was munching on oats in his feed bag.
In one stall a horse is munching his corn.
Today, flop-eared goats and stray horses munch grass by a pay telephone.
Joscelin's horse munched its bit of fodder and nuzzled my hair as if it hadn't been the cause of such dismay.
But the horse seemed satisfied enough and, when she left, was munching oats it found in a trough.