The unplaced horses included an unnamed colt later known as Sefton, which won the following year's Derby.
Notable horses include Ouija Board (won 47%, £2 million).
The entire estate seemed to be dreaming, dogs and horses included.
The beaten horses included Peter, who went on to win the Middle Park Stakes.
Dark horses inside the magazine include Remnick and Kurt Andersen.
The author shows his best colors in sharply distinctive portraits of the various sporting bloods, horses included, that Nick meets at the track.
Other figures added to the line-up in 1967 included more horses, other animals, and the West children.
Gobber complied, exposing flaccid acres of the biggest backside, horses included, which I had ever seen.
All of their possessions, horses included, had heen lost to the trolls.
He finished four lengths behind the winner, but the horses behind him included Dream Ahead and Zoffany.