The horse flinched, raised the foot and held it trembling for a few seconds before replacing it carefully on the ground.
But it was a smooth ride; the horses didn't flinch when a striped ribbon snake slithered by.
If the horse flinches at the touch on certain parts, the trainer should return to a more comfortable spot, then slowly work back.
The horse flinched sideways, then set itself again.
The horse beneath him flinched and jigged sideways.
He didn't even stumble, and his right hand flashed up and caught the bridle cheek strap before the startled horse could flinch away from him.
While applying this pressure, the horse should not move or flinch away.
That would really have been showing the mark of the beast - children would cry, horses would flinch.
Because he knew her mind, the horse did not flinch as Nona reached forward and worked the cumbersome device over his head.
He swung himself into the saddle, feeling the horse flinch at first but then become calm.