As he stooped to pick it up, there was a noise of racing hooves, and a horse dashed toward them at full gallop.
The horse dashed on past, and Blade never did see what happened to it.
The horse saw the opportunity, too and dashed for it instantly.
In five minutes the horses dashed into a wide clearing.
Then the screaming horses dashed forward, and the driver tumbled to the ground, limp as a poleless scarecrow.
He gurgled and clawed at the arrow for a moment, then his horse dashed headlong under a tree.
Anaiyella took one look at Rand on his feet and collapsed in a faint; her horse dashed away, reins dangling.
He stopped short, and looked more closely as two horses, racing from the forest, dashed madly toward the foothills, pursued by a lion.
A horse dashed near me, and I dropped the empty rifle and grabbed at him.
The magic knows what it wants to do, he thought, bouncing as the horse dashed across a creek.