The horse at once ceased struggling and floated calmly upon the surface, its wooden body being as buoyant as a raft.
Death clicked his fingers and a magnificent white horse ceased its grazing on some of the garden greenery and trotted towards him.
A horse ceased trying to graze the sparse dune grass and trotted up to Death.
The horses had ceased to moan, and lay still on the ground.
The horses ceased to struggle and Wynne-Jones slept.
Carfilhiot waited an hour until his horse ceased to tremble and heave; then cautiously he remounted and rode down the gully, keeping to such shelter as was offered by alders and willows, and presently he emerged into Vale Evander, a mile above Ys.
Suddenly both horses ceased resisting their riders and began to press Sean and Sorka against the inner wall, whinnying in abject terror.
The Ranyhyn and even the lesser horses ceased their restive stamping, their snorted whimpers.
The horse flinched but ceased jittering around; its fear-filled eyes were fixed on the little girl, steam curling from its nostrils, its lungs rumbling.
But he found that in his weightless acceleration a smooth and perfect silence pulled him on-the sure sign of pastures where the wildflowers were stars, and where enormous horses lived in a perpetual stillness, and yet never ceased to move.