Simply the horrifying reality of an unspeakably brutal war.
Slipping off his spear-handle, Gruzzle cracked his chin hard on the battlement, thrusting him into wakefulness and horrifying reality.
If Mr. Bush were willing to grasp Iraq's horrifying reality, he would be the one imposing benchmarks, timetables and readiness rules.
There was so much stark, horrifying reality in the room it was a wonder that there was still room for the furniture.
In bars, health clubs, offices, airports and tens of millions of private homes, captions became instant written confirmation of an unfolding reality too horrifying to absorb.
On "Law and Order" the horrifying reality of school shootings may have become more visceral by depicting the student's corpse.
It was surreal how disconnected President Bush was the other night, both from Iraq's horrifying reality and America's anguish over this unnecessary, mismanaged and now unwinnable war.
And the horrifying reality of the murder of six million Jews is the most lamentable, irrefutable fact that modern man has yet had to face.
This difference between the other children in his primary school led to social problems with his peers and Yerka describes his primary school life as being a "grey, sometimes horrifying reality".
Prior to the book's authenticity being challenged, The New York Times praised it as an "extraordinary work for teenagers" and "a document of horrifying reality and literary quality".