By today's standards, his is a fairly tame look at a horrifying act.
"The taking of Miss Bresciani's life was a senseless, horrifying act, as it was for his other victims."
Those "shennanigens" include horrifying acts of murder and torture .
It was a single, powerful, and horrifying act, which wrung from me all my unique power and daring.
Q. Across the nation there has been a recent pattern of horrifying violent acts committed by school age children.
It's a horrifying act.
Seeing this horrifying act, two of his wives tried to escape, but in vain.
I believe that the European Union also had a hand in this success, because it campaigned vigorously to ensure that this horrifying act did not happen.
Women are exposed to horrifying acts of cruelty such as violence, rape and even worse things.
Or at least a woman who committed horrifying acts.