Riley and Chilton stood transfixed at some horrific sight, judging from their expressions.
The command area was a horrific sight.
The mouth slit in his face mask was filled with teeth, a truly horrific sight.
It was very catastrophic, the things I saw, deformed people missing limbs and horrific sights.
Athena then turned Medusa into a horrific sight.
The killing stopped only after the sun fell below the horizon, revealing a horrific sight; hundreds of dead, and thousands of wounded.
Unable to bear the horrific sight of Adam's charred flesh another second, she looked away.
She ground the heels of her hands against her eyes as if to scrub away an horrific sight.
I don't know what he looked like before, but he was a horrific sight now.
It was one of the most horrific sights any of them had ever seen.