To date, Newfoundlanders are very aware of the horrific sealing disaster of 1914.
"It's tremendously moving to see thousands of people doing what they can to alleviate the suffering caused by this horrific disaster."
They see each other at the world's most horrific disasters.
Now that this horrific disaster has occurred, and I hear rumblings from the shortsighted about curtailing the space program, I cannot help but reflect on the lesson of Colonel Husband's life.
They were on both occasions horrific disasters that targeted and punished tens of thousands of legitimate claimants.
Was a horrific disaster to have to a city.
But that was as unusual as finding a New Orleans novelist ready to incorporate the horrific disaster of Hurricane Katrina into the plot of a conventional whodunit.
I want to impress on the Commission and the Community the importance of showing sympathy and solidarity with China in this horrific disaster and urgently extending what help they can.
If these could not be recovered, there'd be a lot more tears shed over this horrific natural disaster.
Who knew that learning what not to do in the event of a horrific disaster could be so much fun?