His words roused out a horrid memory, something about, "Would that my subjects had but one neck?"
And they might both have ended the day without such horrid memories.
He brooded for a while over that horrid memory, I suppose, and then addressed in a quarrelsome tone the man coming aft to the helm.
Everything in the shop would be forever tainted with the horrid memories of Tonno's sickness and unnecessary death.
"Well, then," he said, steeling himself against the horrid memories he must once again face in order to pass the information on to his protectors.
Darcy covered her face, but the horrid memories flooded her mind.
She could shove the horrid memories back into a dark corner of her brain.
Despite his own horrid memories of the red priest, Simon found the intensity of the doctor's look strange and a little frightening.
Her eyes opened now that she'd gotten past the most horrid memory of last night.
Ray Pluto has horrid memories of watching his wife and child die in a traffic accident.