Those who announced their wish to return to the People's Republic of China were horribly beaten or killed.
Four POWs accused of trying to escape were bought back to the camp and were horribly beaten for a week by the Japanese.
'He's been beaten horribly.'
Fung Sei arrives with the money, horribly beaten by Wong Hoi's gangsters who have followed him.
Mary was then horribly beaten, brutally assaulted and crucified by those men and left for dead.
Mr. Chaney had also been horribly beaten.
In testimony last week, the rescuers told of a harrowing race against time to get a horribly beaten Mr. Denny to the nearest hospital.
At the time some observers thought that Ali was being horribly beaten and worried that they might see him get killed in the ring.
I believe the first announcement, from the local sheriff, said "horribly beaten."
She had been horribly beaten and burned, her teeth shattered and the nails of her fingers and toes torn from their digits.