A second afterwards the two bright, blood-thirsty weapons made the sign of the cross in horrible parody upon each other.
Diana went to her, again moving to the extreme edge of my field of view, touched her head to Judith's in a horrible parody of tenderness.
The gas began to pulse through the plastic tubes, the noise it made sounding like a horrible parody of human breathing.
But, to Ish, all this seemed a horrible parody of things that had once been; Em, in her quiet way, supported him.
The President squinted and a horrible parody of a smile appeared on his face.
They lay cheek to cheek In a horrible parody of exhausted love.
It began to assume the form of a person, or rather, a horrible parody of a person.
He forgot about the need to sick up that horrible parody of wine.
"My dear, sweet love," she said, her voice a horrible parody of what it had been.
Paks wondered how anyone could confuse those horrible parodies of elves with a Kuakgan.