To launch such an attack without allied support would be a horrendous mistake.
"Do people get a second chance to correct their most horrendous mistakes?"
He tried to stand by a black youngster, Richie Parker, who made a horrendous mistake.
The big man had been right all along, saving him from a horrendous mistake!
Detroit executives are sensitive about this issue because they made a horrendous mistake in the late 1980's.
The soldiers had made the horrendous mistake of making camp between a large herd of buffalo and its water source.
In my view, the Legislature made a horrendous mistake when it passed responsibility for solid waste to the counties.
A horrendous mistake to make for a manager who prides himself on the small details.
"But last year we made horrendous mistakes," he said.
"Why do I get the impression this was a horrendous mistake?"