Canadian driver Paul Tracy called it "an horrendous accident".
The manga follows the story of a young man named Kazemichi who is given prosthetics after a horrendous accident almost takes his life.
"We want to see some architecture in the contract to change a culture that has created constant exposure of our members to horrendous accidents."
The first runs had been made, to great profit, despite a handful of horrendous accidents.
Of course they both understand it was a horrendous accident.
He was really smart but just couldn't get it together, and then he had this horrendous accident.
Today private citizens use hand-held cameras to tape a crime in progress or a horrendous accident.
After four years of strenuous opposition to random drug testing, it took one horrendous accident to change the mind of Sonny Hall.
It was just a horrendous accident.
There have been some horrendous accidents.