They took wolfish bites from sausages, patted their horny palms with potato-masher grenades.
Turkey Mat, flinging down his cards, dragged a horny palm over his bald head and breathed like a sailing skiff, lee rail under.
Grinning broadly, Pahtuhr clapped a horny palm onto Alexandros' shoulder.
He rapped the ash out of his pipe against a horny palm into a heavy glass ashtray.
Mavis informed him archly that when she looked into his horny palm she could hear wedding-bells.
He smote his horny palms together.
Instead their lines ran almost freely from neat coils on the deck, slowed every now and then by horny palms closing.
He grinned and punched his fist into the horny palm of his sword hand.
Vanda, mother of the little ape rescued from the python, pressed close to Tarzan, stroking him with a rough and horny palm.
He took it in his brown, horny palm, and held it gingerly, as though it might burn him, or break in his grasp.