The combat between Giasone and the monster ("a proud horned beast") takes place.
Heads of horned beasts are often shown cabossed to display the horns, but instances can be found in any of these circumstances.
The introduction of an animal disease into a human body was thought disgusting and some even 'feared their metamorphosis into horned beasts'.
By turning himself inside out, he can transform into a massive horned beast.
The only horned beasts are the bulls of the marshlands and the horses, too.
The three remaining horned beasts were within fifty yards.
Then he concentrated on the remaining horned beasts.
The six-legged horned beasts were called slaug, they told him.
Four handsome horned beasts as presented in one photograph appear to be returning the gaze of an intruder and stand poised for a quick getaway.
Her gray hair swirled about her and she was dressed in a red cloak such as the warriors had worn, mounted on a similar horned beast.