Sharpe stepped hastily aside as the bullocks, their horns painted yellow and blue and tipped with small silver bells, lumbered past.
Even the oxen were noble beasts, with broad brows and gentle eyes, their horns tipped with gilded caps.
In The Fellowship of the Ring, Boromir is described: "On a baldric he wore a great horn tipped with silver that now was laid upon his knees."
The twisted horns tipped forward and cast a shadow as Zennor's triangular face pivoted downward.
Several large horns tipped with umber shoot sideways from their cheeks, and two very prominent horns point backwards along their heads.
His horns were thick and tipped with brass; his two nostrils like the Thames Tunnel as seen in the perspective toys of yore.
Erinyes was standing quietly now in one of the passages ahead, its horns tipped forward.
On a baldric he wore a great horn tipped with silver that now was laid upon his knees.
The quaint implement, maru or singauta, was made from a pair of antelope horns tipped with steel and united at the butt-ends.