In addition, being in stressful situations can make those hormone fluctuations even worse, says Dr. Northrup.
Andropause in males is a hormone fluctuation with physical and psychological effects that can be similar to those seen in menopausal females.
Psychoneuroendocrinology is the clinical study of hormone fluctuations and their relationship to human behavior.
Sometimes hormone fluctuations (which can occur with your period, pregnancy, or menopause) are to blame, or it could be a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.
And all the hormone fluctuations!
The hormone fluctuations of perimenopause and menopause can cause mood disorders in any woman - not just those with bipolar disorder.
Reoh knew part of her problem was the unstable hormone fluctuations, but her emotional reaction was very real.
Symptoms caused by chronic pelvic pain often go away without treatment when menopause occurs and hormone fluctuations settle down.
Sensory changes be they internal, like monthly hormone fluctuations, or external, like bright lights can lead to debilitating headaches that last 4 to 72 hours.
Stress, hunger, hormone fluctuations, foods, alcohol, too much sleep, caffeine withdrawal or noise are chief suspects.