It prolongs childhood, but once the hormonal shifts that bring about adolescence and adulthood occur, the virus turns deadly.
Postpartum depression is caused by the hormonal shifts that occur after childbirth.
"It's quite normal, probably a temporary hormonal shift."
The problem is more likely to be related to the sharp hormonal shifts that occur after childbirth.
Nor is it clear how - or whether - the hormonal shifts following childbirth may contribute to the more serious disorders.
No one knows what effect the hormonal shifts of menopause will have on those in their 40's.
Stress, sleep deprivation, hormonal shifts, and stopping treatment are among the most common relapse triggers.
Experts believe the cell mutations that cause breast cancer are triggered by everything from X-rays to hormonal shifts during your period and pregnancy.
An early hormonal shift that empties the womb may seem less disturbing to some than a later surgical intervention.