However, some hormonal conditions in females can make them reject a male when they are in fact not pregnant, and, more rarely, accept a male when they are pregnant.
In 1966, it was proven that Bittner's "milk factor" was a virus that remained dormant during the early life of the young mouse but produced cancer when hormonal conditions were right in middle age.
It's one of those depressing hormonal conditions that effects one's sense of survival.
Hence, the structure of hyena society must have favored hormonal conditions giving rise to a race of animal Amazons.
Acne is primarily a hormonal condition driven by male hormones, which typically become active during the teenage years.
The secretions of the preputial glands may advertise hormonal condition or social position, as dominant wolves have been observed to stand over subordinates, apparently presenting the genital area for investigation.
There are certain hormonal conditions that are associated with an excess of androgen (male hormones) production, which may result in increased hair growth.
Kiel's distinctive height and features are a result of a hormonal condition known as acromegaly.
Blood samples may be drawn to determine hormonal conditions in studies of physiology, identify DNA markers for studying genetics and kinship in studies of breeding biology and phylogeography.
Would a forthright disclosure about Kennedy's rare hormonal condition, which was kept under control by replacement hormones, have thrown the 1960 election to Richard M. Nixon?