Two-thirds of the way up it was crossed by a horizontal streak of the same thickness and half its length.
There are also bands of melanophores on both the upper and lower jaws creating a dark horizontal streak along the side.
Objects were represented by their colors only; circular horizontal streaks of color - that was all he saw.
Using them like arrow points, he pressed upward; then to the side, for the horizontal streaks had crossed the vertical.
Several meters up, a horizontal streak of slightly warped metal piqued his curiosity.
The sky was cut by a long horizontal streak of purple.
Within a second the rip had lengthened into a glimmering horizontal streak about the span of a human's extended arms.
But away to the south a single narrow horizontal streak of bright green shone with compulsive intensity.
They are brought back to the painting surface by three very upfront, free-form horizontal streaks.
The lasers made green horizontal streaks over her body.