It is stronger, particularly in tension (as required for horizontal spans), allowing it to support greater weights.
The stress in the material is higher for the horizontal span, creating higher engineering difficulty, so only the length of the span perpendicular to the force of gravity counts.
The new Bridge has a significantly larger horizontal span and has more sophisticated pile protection for ship collisions.
While visplanes are constructed essentially from vertical "strips", the actual low level rendering is performed in the form of horizontal "spans" of texture.
Beamwidth, the horizontal span of the beam measured in degrees of angle, determines the balance between precision and accuracy of a radar.
The blitter's filling mode is used to fill per-line horizontal spans.
With some graphics cards, its possible to enable a mode called "horizontal span" which accomplishes this.
Siege towers cannot approach closer than the base of the talus, and their gangplank may be unable to cover the horizontal span of the talus, rendering them useless.
Another technique developed for pseudo-hardware transparency was to rasterize polygons using one or two pixel tall sprites with transparency enabled to fill in horizontal spans.
The bit planes are defined as follows: a byte represents a horizontal span of 8 pixels.