Playing against the stained, dark oak floor, the strips are light-catchers, horizontal frames that extend the wall's surface into the space of the room.
This was not so much a painting as it was a pose - a horizontal frame of a reclined nude woman.
Therefore, our approach was not an attempt to supplant their present mindset, but to supplement it with a more horizontal frame of reference.
The ends of these beams support the sills of the outer walls, forming a separate horizontal frame.
She stared out of a horizontal frame.
A vertical or near horizontal frame contains a set of evenly spaced parallel tensioned cutting wires.
The subfloor is fastened with nails to horizontal frames, called joists, which extend between the walls and support the entire floor.
"Yes," he said, and slumped, exhausted and painfilled, against the horizontal frame of the control board.
In detail, each line (horizontal frame or HFrame) consists of:
We can get some idea of what is going on by thinking of a sheet of canvas stretched on a horizontal frame.